15 mins session
All best captures (minimum 20+)
Christmas Set ups in studio B
2 week photo delivery
One household only
$185 ($85 deposit due upon email confirmation)
15 mins session
All best captures
One household only
$185 ($85 deposit due upon email confirmation)
*In the event of extreme weather an alternative date will be provided mutually.
Fine Print
The remaining balance will be due on the day of the session. Payment can be sent via e-transfer
Should you need to cancel or reschedule your session due to unforeseen circumstances, your deposit will carry over to a future session within a year from the date booked. Exception to studio.
Note: I use social media for advertising to gain clients like yourself. I often post sneak previews. If you want to limit which images are shared once gallery is provided, please let me know before the time of the session. The rights are yours to print or share whenever, wherever you wish. By agreeing to this contract and partaking in a session, you as the 'client' are volunteering and participating voluntarily. The 'client' accepts responsible for all damage caused by those included in the session.
This mini session is going to be short and sweet. The most important thing is to come ready to be yourselves and have fun! Please ensure to arrive on time so we can make the most of your time. If you’re late, your session will unfortunately be cut short as sessions are scheduled back to back.. Further details, maps and instruction will follow the week before the scheduled session.